Project Information

Draft Municipal Development Plan, Land Use Bylaw and North Flats Area Structure Plan documents have been developed through feedback from Whitecourt citizens and stakeholders. As the projects approach completion, a final Open House and Public Hearing will be held to receive feedback from the community and stakeholders on the draft documents.

Advisory Committee

The purpose of the Advisory Committee is to be a sounding board to guide the MDP, LUB and North Flats ASP projects. The Committee will be comprised of representatives from the business community, civic agencies, municipal administration, Council, and citizens.

Applications to be a member of the Advisory Committee are now closed.

Join our mailing list here

The contact information collected here will be used to provide ongoing project updates to citizens who have joined this mailing list.


Project Materials

This list of materials will be updated from time-to-time as new documents are published.

Check back here soon!

Existing Town Documents

Land Use Bylaw

Land Use Districts – Map

Municipal Development Plan

Intermunicipal Development Plan

Vitalization plan

Bylaws and Policies

Draft Documents

Area Structure Plan

Municipal Development Plan

Land Use Bylaw

Land Use Bylaw Map

List of changes

What is a MDP?

The Municipal Development Plan sets the long term vision for the community. It’s what we want our community to be. It sets the vision into specific goals and objectives for growth and investment

What is a LUB?

The Land Use Bylaw is the tool that we use to actually implement the vision and broader goals. It codifies them. Someone who wants to start a project can look at the LUB and determine what the requirements for are for their project.

What is an ASP?

An Area Structure Plan is a document that identifies future development patterns for specific lands. ASPs outline land use, built form, open spaces and the transportation network.

How do these documents impact me?

Municipal Development Plans, Land Use Bylaws, and Area Structure Plans are all statutory documents; this means that each of these plans acts as a “rule book” for development. Someone who wants to start a project can look at these plans and determine what the requirements for are for their project. Updating them regularly ensures that the regulations are reasonable, effective and reflect new and emerging trends.

Why should the MDP and LUB documents be re-written?

The current MDP and LUB were created in 2015. Though some changes to these documents have been made over the years, much has changed in Whitecourt over the last seven years. The MDP and LUB rewrite is intended to evaluate the current regulations and determine what is working as intended, and what areas need to be adjusted and updated to reflect current development trends.

Who is leading the rewrite of the MDP and LUB, and the creation of the North Flats ASP?

Whitecourt Town staff are being assisted by Green Space Alliance, an Edmonton based consulting firm.

How can I get involved?

Remaining community engagement events include the final Open House and Public Hearing. Final dates are not confirmed, however, details will be provided here once finalized.