Town of Whitecourt MDP, LUB and North Flats ASP

The Town of Whitecourt is updating the Municipal Development Plan (MDP) and the Land Use Bylaw (LUB). These documents reflect the future aspirations of the community given the current opportunities and challenges facing the Town.

The annexation of the North Flats area presents an opportunity to spur investment and to set a unique vision for the future of this area. The North Flats Area Structure Plan (ASP) will determine land use, built form, open spaces and movement patterns for the North Flats area.

Project Update

Municipal Development Plan (MDP)

The Municipal Development Plan sets the long-term vision for the community. It’s what we want our community to be. The MDP sets the vision into specific goals and objectives for growth and investment. A draft MDP document has been created which incorporates the issues and opportunities identified during public engagement and through stakeholder feedback.

Land Use Bylaw (LUB)

The Land Use Bylaw is the tool that we use to actually implement the Town’s vision and broader goals. Someone who wants to start a project can look at the LUB and determine what the requirements are for their project. A draft LUB document has been created which reflects a comprehensive review and update. Updates to the LUB have been informed by public consultation and have addressed key issues raised through the public process.

North Flats Area Structure Plan (ASP)

In 2020, the Town of Whitecourt annexed the lands that lie north of Flats Road and south of the Athabasca River. The ASP is the vision for this specific area of Town. Through public consultation, a comprehensive land use concept has been developed to guide future development in the area. This plan preserves existing recreational, institutional, and natural uses, and plans for limited residential development in appropriate locations.

New Draft Documents

Area Structure Plan

Municipal Development Plan

Land Use Bylaw

Land Use Bylaw Map

List of changes

Advisory Commitee Meeting #1

Multi-Stakeholder Workshop and Open House #1

What We Heard Report
Advisory Committee Meeting #2, Open House
#2 and Citizen Survey #2

What We Heard Reports

Existing Town Documents

Land Use Bylaw

Land Use Districts – Map

Municipal Development Plan

Intermunicipal Development Plan

Vitalization plan

Bylaws and Policies

  • Phase 1

    Project Initiation

  • Phase 2

    Preliminary Consultation

  • Phase 3

    MDP Preparation

  • Phase 4

    LUB Preparation

  • Phase 5

    North Flats ASP Preparation

  • Phase 6

    Finalization and Approval

Project Information

Upcoming Consultation Events

The remaining public engagement events for the Land Use Bylaw, Municipal Development Plan and North Flats ASP projects include the final Open House and Public Hearing.

Open House 

The final Open House event will provide an opportunity for community members and stakeholders to provide final feedback on the LUB, MDP, and ASP documents before they go before Council for a decision on their adoption.

Date: Thursday, April 18th, 2024
Time: 5:30 to 7:30 pm
Location: Allan & Jean Millar Centre Boardroom
Address: 58 Sunset Blvd, Whitecourt

Public Hearing

Further information about the Public Hearing for the MDP, LUB and North Flats ASP will be provided here when it becomes available.

Previous Engagement

The feedback gathered in the previous rounds of engagement are captured in three What We Heard Reports. These reports can be found here.


The new Municipal Development Plan, Land Use Bylaw and North Flats Area Structure Plan will be developed through feedback from Whitecourt citizens and stakeholders.

Advisory Committee

The purpose of the Advisory Committee is to be a sounding board to guide the MDP, LUB and North Flats ASP projects. The Committee will be comprised of representatives from the business community, civic agencies, municipal administration, Council, and citizens.

Applications to be a member of the Advisory Committee are now closed.

Join the mailing list 

The contact information collected here will be used to provide ongoing project updates to citizens who have joined this mailing list.


Contact us
Phone: 780-778-2273
Principal, Urban Planning & Urban Design
Green Space Alliance
Phone: 780-409-1763